The brand titled “Mirzakhani’s Tombak” officially came to the music arena since 2016 with its available logo and this new brand has started their professional activity with the aim of manufacturing professional music instruments with high quality.
Using professional and super-professional woods such as acacia, apricot, pear, hawthorn, berry, eucalyptus, Fraxinus excelsior, elves, walnut have been dried and prepared during one to two years with complete well wood and low weight and the calf skin which is selected from the neck and loin of animal and partially it has been used from Khamkan calf skin (such skin which is traditionally tanned and no industrial martial used for hair tweezing of animal ) of which skins have been dried and protected for at least 2 to 3 years.
The skin of instruments are often pulled by the special system which this action will have the following characteristics which is highly effective in the quality of sound:
1- The skins are pulled from all sides in whole.
2- Whereas the pulled-skin and under – pressure skin is dried, hence, it is pulled inside the Tombak and it is not loosened.
3- The effect of nail and stapler on the instrument is not seen and causes to look the Tombak more beautiful.
Using lacquer alcohol with the most famous brands in the world manufactured by Germany and the Netherland after final polishing of instrument is amongst other characteristics of this brand.